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Pick Your Number

The Platinum edition supports the ability to pick your number or select from a random choice.

Pick your number settings: #

If you want customers to pick their own number, then you need to select the Do you want to pick ticket number under the Starting Ticket Number section.
You must enable the Limit number of tickets option to use pick ticket number option.

You also need to choose the number of tickets per tab.

NOTE:  The pick your numbers removes the quantity change box.  You need to setup up multiple products per category if you want to have various choices for quantity.

Pick your number display: #

When enabled, the pick your number is displayed on the woo product page.  You can select the range of numbers and then the available tickets will be displayed that are in that range.  The number you can select is automatically set to the number of tickets that are selected for that particular product.  With pick your number, there is not change quantity option.  Most customers do quantity discounts via the product in our quick start guide.  Example 1 product for 1 ticket, another product for 3 tickets, another product for 8 tickets and so on.



When a customer is adding numbers to the cart, the number becomes reserved.  It is reserved even if the checkout does not happen.  We create a cron to run every 60 minutes to flush the reserved numbers that are not used.  If you have caching on your site, you also need to flush the cache regularly of the number will appear as used as your site cache is not updating the available numbers.

