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Configuration Settings

2 min read

The RTG has many different options.   With several thousand raffle and giveaway websites over the years, we have learned a lot.  Our intent is to build a bulletproof plugin.  If there is a feature you do not see, please feel free to email us and we will see what we can do about adding that in a future release.  NEVER UPDATE VERSIONS without fully testing in a development and test environment and make sure you have proper backups configured based on ecommerce best practices.

To access the configuration settings, click on the “Raffles” menu from the top or side menu of the dashboard.  This menu is only available in the Silver, Gold and Platinum Edition and will bring up a display of raffles.    Our bronze version is completely different and is not designed to be a trial.




Click on any of the Raffle Categories to display the settings.


Beginning in Version 5, we split up the settings into 3 sections.  Selecting the tab will display those settings to edit.

Product Page Setting:  This tab has the overall raffle settings,  the start and stop time, or the type of raffle such as limiting tickets or 50-50.  The features will vary depending on the edition you have purchased.

Raffle Tickets:  This tab has all the various settings for the format of tickets.  Starting number, OrderID, successive numbering, leading zeros, etc.

Email Settings:  This tab has the image settings and display format and the email message fields.


Many of the formats can be combined. When you are first starting out, we recommend you go through the options one at a time and do not use the ticket images to begin.  Refer to our Getting Started Guide.  Some functionality like successive numbers, will disable other options as they are incompatible.

NOTE:  Once you sell tickets, you cannot simply change the ticket format, you have to clear the raffle settings and start over.  This is by design as we have had too many customers randomly change settings in the middle of a raffle and causing duplicate tickets, or undesired results by not having backups, etc.  So in version 4.5 we added this security measure.



