Warning, updating a live raffle could cause issues. Always update the plugin in a test and staging environment prior to updating a live site. Make sure you take full backups prior to updating.
A lot has changed since we built the original online raffle plugins back in 2012 and our FIRST raffle-lottery plugin for WooCommerce was released Sept 24, 2015.
6.0.4 2024/09/30 WP6.5.4 and Woo 9.2.3
Platinum – Adjusted ticket printing on view tickets
Platinum – Adjusted ticket number on view tickets Export 2024/09/16 WP6.6.2 and Woo9.3.1
Gold – adjusted subscription renewal
6.0.3 2024/08/09 WP6.6.1 and Woo9.1.4
Gold – adjusted subscription renewal
6.0.2 2024/07/08 WP6.5.5 and Woo9.0.2
Platinum – cart conflict resolved
6.0.1 2024/06/13 WP6.5.4 and Woo8.9.3
Gold – adjusted subscription renewal
6.0 2024/06/05 WP6.5.3 and Woo8.9.2
Changed DB Structure for Woo HPOS
Improved Random Ticket Generation when saving
Added additional checks during plugin installation and activation
Improved Tickets Sold progress bar
Added additional DB checks after updating
5.1.4 2024/04/16 WP6.4.2 and Woo8.6
Bug fix – Winner Timer not showing on Fusion Pages (Gold)
5.1.4 2024/02/16 WP6.4.2 and Woo8.6
Bug fix – Fixed Starting Ticket Number check in Silver
5.1.4 2024/01/23 WP6.4.2 and Woo8.5.1
Bug fix – conflict with leading zeros and random numbers in platinum
5.1.3 2024/01/22 WP6.4.2 and Woo8.5.1
Bug fix – winners added to backend.
Added – Cache removal function on php functions for inventory, 50-50 totals, reserved tickets
5.1.2 2024/01/16 WP6.4.2 and Woo8.5.1
Bug fix – fix ticket export for multiple raffles
5.1.1 2023/12/13 WP6.4.2 and Woo8.3.2
Bug fix – Resend ticket issue resolved from admin order page
5.1 2023/12/11 WP6.4.2 and Woo8.3.2
Added gifting in Platinum.
Adjust Random Ticket distribution to handle larger raffles with less server load.
5.0.1 2023/12/07 WP6.4.2 and Woo8.3.1
Adjust code for conflict with successive and 50/50.
Update saving function for image settings.
Force check for ticket number not set for raffle product.
5.0 2023/12/05 WP 6.4.1 and Woo 8.3.1
New Features:
Improved manual order data entry – Platinum
Shortcodes for raffle displays – Gold, Platinum
Free version import – Gold, Platinum
Subscription Auto entry – Platinum
Email winners – Platinum
Print Tickets – Silver, Gold, Platinum
Multiple drawing options – Silver, Gold, Platinum
End raffle at total sales $ – Gold, Platinum
Drop and Drag info placement on small ticket images – Gold, Platinum
Code Changes – modified php functions for php8.2 compatibility and WordPress 6.4 and WooCommerce 8.3.1
4.8 2023/0920 WP6.3.1 and Woo 8.1.1 Platinum
Added Gifting option for tickets and added name in ticket images in PLT in preparation of V5 release 2023/09/13 WP 6.3 and Woo 8.1.1
Fixed manual order bug using leading zeros on PLT 2023/06/31 WP 6.2 and Woo7.8
Fixed typo mistake on raffle_tickets.php (SLV)
Fixed time zone issue on shop and product page, remaining time different (GLD)
Fixed text on confirmation email and thank you page (PLT) 2023/03/31 WP 6.2 and Woo7.5
Corrected spelling in PLT on subscription Report Platinum
Fixed ranged issue of tickets in SLV
4.7.7 2023/03/21 WP 6.2 and Woo7.5
updated php syntax to address db on certain configurations of php
4.7.6 2023/02/21 WP6.2, Woo7.4
Small php timing issue adjustment – Silver
4.7.5 2022/11/17 WP 6.1.1 and Woo7.1.0 – Silver
Added the same find duplicate checking that is in Gold and Platinum. Implemented an additional check when assigning tickets to orders that occur at the exact same time.
4.7.4 2022/10/17 WP 6.0.2 and Woo7.0 – Gold, Platinum
Fixed category functions for stock/inventory management for issue with php8
4.7.3 2022/08/15 WP 6.0.1 and Woo6.8 – Silver, Gold, Platinum
Adjusted license checking
4.7.2 2022/08/07 WP 6.0.1 and Woo6.7 – Platinum
Added additional support for Woo Subscriptions for auto generating tickets.
Adjusted language support for languages with special characters for pick a number feature
Added additional features for special characters when inserting names on ticket images
4.7.1 2022/07/15 WP 6.0 and Woo6.7 – Platinum
Added warning if no raffle on raffle setting page
Fixed error warning on category setting page
Fixed x number of characters error while activating plugin
4.7 2022/06/20 WP 6.0 and Woo6.6.1 – Platinum
Added new feature for WooCommerce Subscription
Updated function in tickets for leading zeroes not increasing 2022/06/10 WP6.0 and Woo6.5.1 – Platinum
WP 6.0 Compatibility changes
Fixed bug in non raffle add to cart 2022/06/07 WP6.0 and Woo6.5.1 -Platinum
WP 6.0 compatibility changes
Woo product header config change
4.6.2 2022/03/24 WP5.9 and Woo6.3.1 – Platinum
Fixed Random Distribution JS errors with conflicting starting ticket number change. 2022/02/18 WP 5.9 and Woo6.2.1 – Platinum
Made fixes to the raffle table check and repair tool to adjust the db tables after an update
4.6.1 2022/01/24 WP 5.8.3 and Woo6.1 – Platinum
Removed 8k limit for random. Added warning and use at own risk above 8000.
Note: Issue is not a limitation, but a support issue for those customers on low end hosting and that sites with high overhead.
4.6 2022/01/20 WP 5.8.3 and Woo6.1 – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum
Fixed Undefined error
Fixed errors in error_logs,
menu error fix for php8
Updated functions for php8.0
Added Tool for ticket numbers fix for random and pick a number
Multisite license adjustment. Activate for single site using multisite.
Added log for duplicate checker,
Added wrong answer bypass check if category settings are not set
4.5.03 2021/11/09 WP 5.8.1 and Woo5.9
Fixed undefined constant error and fixed view ticket number reporting
4.5.02 2021/10/29 WP 5.8.1 and Woo5.8
Fixed successive issue while saving settings on gold and platinum
4.5.01 2021/10/20 WP 5.8.1 and Woo5.8
Fixed Max ticket qty script conflict in Gold
Fixed Calendar image script in Platinum
4.5 2021/10/18 WP 5.8.1 and Woo5.8
Separated Raffle category setting from ticket formats.
Modified Random Ticket generator algorithm for platinum
Added compatibility with latest WooCommerce and WordPress
Added Duplication check on all 3 versions gold silver and platinum
Change duplication check for broad check
Added Duplication log for generating replacement tickets 2021/09/07 WP 5.8 Woo 5.6.0
Fixed Winners selection and display
Fixed Winner shortcode code
4.3.1 2021/07 WP 5.8 Woo 5.5.2
Updated functions for wp 5.8 and woocommerce 5.5.2
Adjust license to help avoid false positive virus detection
Fixed woocommerce blocks conflicts
4.3 2021/07 WP5.7.2 Woo5.4.1
Cleaned Up text and menus (Platinum, Gold, Silver)
Adjusted Random Tickets in platinum
Product Name on cart and checkout fix (Platinum, Gold, Silver)
Added Questions and Answers in tickets export (Platinum)
Progress Bar Display options (Platinum)
Show number of tickets as percentage (Platinum)
Added Plugin Checker on platinum to check GD library installed or not
Add AAA00099 with leading zeros ticket format (Platinum only)
Fixed Js error on platinum causing validation error on category settings 2021/04 WP5.7.1 Woo 5.2.2
Platinum changes to random and pick a number for delayed purchased – hold and flush numbers and store question/answer – beta release
Gold – adjust woo hooks for subscription product conflicts – beta release
Shortcode updates
jquery changes 2021/03/16 WP5.7 Woo 5.0
Css and jquery changes and fixes for WP 5.7 updates
Winners Date Range
New WordPress functions for WP updates.
4.2.1 2021/02/03 WP 5.6 Woo 5.0
Javascript errors addressed
Winners Shuffling Fixed for various browsers and jquery compatibility
Update Functions for Woocommerce 5.0
4.2.06 2021/01/27 WP 5.6 Woo 4.8.0
Fixed css errors
Javascript errors
Winners to date and from date error fix
Update functions conflicting with other themes
Minor code adjustments for specific theme conflicts with js and WP5.6.
4.2 2020/12/21 WP 5.6 Woo 4.8.0
addressed css and js conflicts to work with changes in WP 5.6
Added additional logging
hanged ticket generation to address issues with payment gateways that do not follow the woocommerce standards
Various changes to code for php 7.4 deprecation.
changed admin menu
4.1 2020/09/21 WP 5.5.1 Woo 4.5.1
Platinum and Gold:
Add to cart text change only for raffle categories
Added db status check and repair tool
Fixed max number of ticket input field
Platinum only:
Added option to move progress bar and question section and hide raddle ending text and tickets sold text
Updates and code adjustments
fixed js confliction with time function for different themes and plugins
Gold category setting page js confliction fix
updated functions to match woocommerce 4.5.2
4.0 2020/9/15 WP5.5.1 Woo4.5.1
Random number options in Platinum
Pick a number options in Platinum
WPML support for Silver, Gold, Platinum
Question options for generating tickets or not in drawing
Added shortcodes for various timers
Change to licensing check
Added CSS editing for color and fonts in backend
Added font color and decoration in order confirmation email in Gold and Platinum
Added raffle icon in category and product list view in woo
Updated reporting and export options
Changed formatting of quiz
Changed functionality of max number of tickets per customer.
3.6.5 2020/5/21 WP5.4.1 Woo4.1
Changes to license check timing
Small changes to php for woo4.x compatibility and forward planning
Changed queries to handle hosting limitations where CAST is not supported
3.6 2019/12/2 WP5.2.4 Woo3.8
Added Platinum Edition Feature Set.
Small PHP updates in other editions to minimize code changes between editions.
3.5.3 2019/8/25 WP5.2.2 Woo3.7.0
Added paging on reports
Added custom import
Resolve error when order is refunded and stock removal with successive numbers
Changed backup and tools messages
Resolved error of single ticket packages and same tickets
Changed SQL methods for additional security due to change in best practices
3.5.1 2019/5/10 WP5.2 Woo3.6.2
Changed Encryption to only be in _hooks_.php
Fixed js errors on wordpress pages outside of woocommerce
Gold – changed raffle-stock.php to clean up deprecated php warnings
3.5.06 2019/4/19 WP5.1.1 Woo3.6.1
Gold only – adjustment for php 7.x
3.5 2018/10/12 WP4.9.8 Woo3.4.6
Added Successive numbers for raffles like ball drops and duck races in gold version
Fixed php warnings on product pages for certain theme conflicts
CSS changes made to be more responsive and less potential of conflict in the dashboard of admin panel
CSS classes add to product page text for ability to change message display
Refunded Orders – add tickets back to availability and those tickets are assigned to next order
Licensing coding adjusted to fix a bug where license could deactivate when support was cancelled in certain instances.
Added Customer Ticket CSV export in Bronze
Increased number of unique tickets to 500 in Bronze 2018/06/11
Fixed error on backend when adding order and changing status of order from backend makes blank page
3.2.5 2018/05/25
Compatibility with woo commerce version 3.4
Fixed expiration error in which license also expires if date of support and update date and time is reached
Removed extra print option in email from silver version
Fixed old raffles and winners export duplicate error by adding feature of separate exporting feature
3.2.3 2018/3/20
Compatibility with WordPress version 4.9.4 and updated functions for woo commerce 3.3.3 version
3.2.2 2017/11/25
Compatibility with WordPress 4.9
Start and End Times for Raffles adding in gold version.
Front End winner selection for live drawings in silver and gold versions.
Changed various names to avoid conflicts with other plugins
3.2.1 2017/04/05
Compatibility with WordPress 4.8 and fixed upload image not saving in gold
3.0 2017/01/31 WP 4.7.2
Compatibility with WordPress 4.7 and Speed Issues for large raffles
1. Changed License Software using in our plugin
2. Added Feature for ticket images
3. Added feature for ranged ticket numbers and Single ticket numbers
2.1.5 2016/07/17 WP4.5.3
Bug fixes and Speed Issues.
1. Tickets not generating while adding order on admin
2. Duplicate tickets when changing order status from admin
2.0 2016/03/01 4.4.2
Fixed Bugs on css and jquery errors with customer raffle category setting
1.2 2015/11/12 WP4.3.1
Small change to ticket numbering scheme for free version. Payment gateway trigger adjustment on Pro.
1.0 9/24/2015 WP 4.2.5
Initial Release For WordPress and WooCommerce. Raffle Ticket Generator and Raffle Ticket Generator Pro
Loosely based on our original OSC-Raffle and JoomRaffle products from 2012-2015 for OsCommerce and Joomla.